fredag 10 oktober 2008


I woke up this morning with only one question on my mind; is it possible to write a manifest on 'neutrality' and remain neutral or impartial? Are we allowed to have oppinions as slaves to the neutralness? Are we allowed to argue for only one cause? Or should every statement be balanced with the opposite oppinion? For example: neutrality is a state of mind / neutrality is not a state of mind.

/Weekday-philosopher-Frida in my flat

possible answer: whenever we think something or say something we are in fact stepping out of the neutral. Every single oppinion and suggestion is connected to a certain point of view, therefor we can never be neutral. A person can never be neutral, a person is always personal. neutrality is only something that could be imagined, as an idea, but never truly touched upon. Whenever someone is stating that they are in fact neutral, this is a lie. This might be a weapon of power. Using neutrality as a way of presenting a fact, as though it wasn´t an opinion.

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